The School

The Brass Group music school is among the most important realities in Sicily and beyond, in the educational field of the music of today. Strengthned by its thirty-year experience and by successful results with the audience (more than 400 subsciribers) this music school comes with a new organisation of teaching for its courses.

Through diversified itineraries of study, individualised activities and concrete musical experiences it is offered to the student a possibility for building his own qualified curriculum – through a targeted training – responsive to the essential requirements that are increasingly demanded to the professional figure of a “modern musician”.

The teaching activity carried out according to accurate programs that leave nothing to chance, delivers an opportunity to study an istrument or voice, to take care of the technical side, to deepen the repertoire and to practice it with others, to read the musical notation, to listen and to understand the tracks of the cultured music of 20th century and of the contemporary music also, to learn harmony and improvisation. Everything with the help of among the most representative sicilian and italian professional musicians, whose personality is often – and we emphasize it with a pinch of pride – considered of national importance.

Didactic indeed as a divulgation, as a contribute to “make music” as well as to the enlargement and to the deepening of the specific knowledge, in the desire to mend the link between the language and the interpreter.
The school also intervenes in the didactic context of the city as an occasion for technical insights, in the case that a professional or an advanced student willed to undertake analytical study of the afro-american musical universe.

The Brass Group Music School, besides the innovative curricular didactic activities, offers to the students the opportunity to accomplish important and irreplaceable experiences in activities of the musical workplace, giving them the opportunity to participate in concert activities and to finalize their own musical projects through recording production. To this end, the school has been equipped with a new ”management office” wich has the task of encouraging, spreading and producing musical information, ideas and projects coming from the students.

Our goal is to participate in the cultural and spiritual elevation of the individual through the knowledge of musical art so that he can exit from the vacuous role of all those functions to whose consumism and superficiality have forced him to stick with: it is indeed thorough knowledge of something that can inspire a profound and aware respect of it.


Subjects Teachers
Jazz repertoire singing Garsia Lucia
Jazz repertoire singing Avellone Carmen
Flaute Garlisi Lavinia
Saxophone Giambruno Claudio
Trumpet Faro Riina
Trumpet Calderone Giovanni
Trombone Pizzurro Salvatore
Trombone Nania Salvatore
Jazz/contemporary Guitar La Mantia Mimmo Girolamo
Blues Guitar Porcaro Umberto
Rock Guitar Avellone Massimo
Jazz Guitar Sergio Manufò
Piano Garsia Giuseppe
Jazz Piano Spitaleri Diego
Jazz Piano Conte Giovanni
Jazz Piano Preiti Giuseppe
Contrabass / Electric bass Costa Giuseppe
Drums Madonia Giuseppe
Drums Giambanco Fabrizio
Drums Paolo Vicari
History and guided listening of 20th century music Razete Luigi
Diction, phonetics and presentation techniques Girgenti Marco
Show Business Marketing Management Fabio Lannino
B1 English Minafò Rosanna
Singing class’ pianist assistant Grillo Marco
Orchestral practice and big band Riina Domenico